mb resıdence

Bodrum, Turkey

Located in Ankara, Turkey, Moment Residences is a testament to BURĒAU’S commitment of creating unique and delightful home experiences with a strong focus on the needs and desires of valued users.

One of the key elements in designing Moment Residences was to prioritize open and spacious spaces, allowing for a seamless flow and a sense of freedom. To achieve this, automated panels were preferred instead of standard doors, ensuring fluidity between the different areas of the house. This design choice not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also promotes a sense of openness and connection throughout the residence.

Luxury is a central theme in Moment Residences, and materials were carefully selected to maintain this opulent ambiance. A darker shade of wood was used to create a warm and inviting atmosphere, while metal and marble details were strategically incorporated to add a touch of modernity and break away from traditional design elements.

To offer users flexibility and versatility, automated glass panels were implemented to divide the dining room, kitchen, and living room. This innovative feature allows residents to customize the space according to their specific needs, whether they prefer a larger integrated area for social gatherings or smaller, more intimate spaces for quieter moments.

In the guestroom and children’s room, the focus was on creating a hotel room-like feeling, achieved through the use of plush carpets. This choice not only adds a touch of luxury but also provides comfort and coziness for guests and children alike.

At Moment Residences, art plays a pivotal role in elevating the living experience. Therefore, all artworks displayed within the residences have been thoughtfully selected and suggested by BURĒAU to create a harmonious blend of art and design.