Showroom OO, designed by Team BURĒAU, offers an exclusive experience for the brand’s customers. As the client transitions from mass-produced clothing to more unique designs, the showroom embodies a luxurious retail aesthetic.

The initials “OO” subtly integrated throughout the interior design. These can be seen on wood panels, hanger handles, and door knobs, presented in various materials and scales, adding a cohesive and branded touch to the space.

The walls are primarily finished with plaster, complemented by architectural lighting that enhances the dramatic ambiance. A central coffee corner, featuring a marble table, serves as a welcoming spot for customers in the home shop section of the showroom.

Specially designed hangers, highlighted by hidden lighting fixtures, showcase the clothing at its best. The changing rooms, draped in green velvet curtains and carpeted in matching hues, offer a unique and immersive experience.
A custom-designed sofa, inspired by the initials “OO,” adds to the bespoke feel of the showroom. The façade display combines mannequins with lifestyle objects, making it eye-catching from the outside and drawing in passersby with its dynamic and inviting presentation.